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Yungay papa

January 15, 2021
Yungay papa benefits

Although there is some debate about the exact origin of the potato within the South American continent, the most recent evidence indicates that this tuber was domesticated thousands of years ago in the high mountains of the Peruvian Andes. It has been estimated that only in Peru there are around 3,000 native or creole varieties, which differ in terms of color, texture, quality and flavor.1.

In this article we will be talking about one of the Peruvian varieties with the greatest commercial value : the Yungay potato .

How did the Yungay potato come about?

Yungay is one of the varieties obtained by the famous Peruvian agronomist and researcher Carlos Ochoa. This tuber was the result of different crosses between native potatoes and exotic varieties brought from Europe, the United States and the Chilean island Chiloé. The liberation of its cultivation occurred in 19702.

Genetically, the Yungay potato is very different from the native Peruvian varieties. To obtain it, several crosses were necessary: ​​a first cross between the foreign varieties Earline and Saskia, a second cross between the native Renacimiento and Huagalina potatoes, as well as a third between the tubers obtained in the two previous crosses.

The origin of the name Yungay is directly linked to the district of the same name, located in the northern region of the country. Yungay, the main city, is located at an altitude of 2,500 meters and 450 kilometers from Lima, the Peruvian capital. This variety is also known locally by the name of ” white potato “.

What are their characteristics?

In general, potato varieties can be classified as “native” (those that have not undergone any formal improvement process), or as “modern / improved” (they are the product of selection in genetic improvement programs). 3 . The Yungaypotatois an improved or hybrid variety, characterized by its high yield and commercial value.

These are its most important features :

  • It is considered a highly adaptable potato , especially for growing at heights.
  • It produces uniform , oval tubers , small to medium in size (never large), and yellow skin with tiny dark spots on the surface.
  • The color of its flesh varies from pale yellow (almost white) to cream.
  • The Yungay potato plant is robust, with large leaves and frequent flowering.
  • The growth stage of the Yungay usually lasts between 150 and 165 days; it is said to have a rapid and late development.
  • Its cultivation produces high yields, being a variety resistant to common pests , for example the late blight parasite and the rhizoctoniasis fungus.
  • It is very similar to the yellow potato , but its shelf life is longer. It can be stored for a long period without losing taste.
  • The Yungay potato is used for different uses in the kitchen . It is usually a great option for making soups, stews, purees, roasts, and French fries.

See later:

What is its nutritional value?

The nutritional value of the Yungay potato is very similar to that of other varieties with semi-white pulp. 1 medium potato, roasted and with skin, can provide approximately4:

  • 130 calories
  • 29g of carbohydrates
  • 3g fiber
  • 0g fat
  • 3g protein
  • 4mg of vitamin C (29%)
  • 3mg of vitamin B6 (15%)
  • 4mcg folate (13%)
  • 751mg of potassium (21%)
  • 3mg manganese (13%)
  • 103mg of phosphorus (10%)

Although in smaller amounts, potatoes also contain other essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins B1, B3, K, iron, magnesium, copper, and zinc. Thanks to its extensive supply of nutrients, especially vitamin C, the consumption of Yungay potatoes can have beneficial properties for health.

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Peru is the nation with the greatest biodiversity of potatoes , since it alone is home to approximately 2,800 varieties of the 3,900 that exist in the world. Since many of them require very particular climatic and agro-ecological conditions, they cannot be cultivated outside the Peruvian Andes. Some traditional Peruvian varieties are Perricholi, Tomasa, Peruanita, Negra or Mariva, Huamantanga and Yungay, the latter being the center of attention in our article.

According to official publications, the Yungay potato has already begun to expand outside of Peruvian territory after the first shipment of 20 tons of the tuber to Brazil in 2018 5 . This could open the way for Yungay to earn a place in kitchens around the world in the future.

Learn more about potatoes and other root vegetables!


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My name is Louise Hammond, and I am the creator of this website, a place to find information about tubers, bulbs and medicinal roots. In I show the properties, benefits, characteristics, photos and images, ways of growing and how to make delicious meals from starchy vegetables.