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yellow potato

January 15, 2021
yellow potato

Have you ever wondered how many varieties of potato exist? Only in Peru it is estimated that there are approximately 5000 different types. Undoubtedly, one of the best known varieties in the world is the yellow potato , whose cultivation also exhibits a wide diversity of tones, sizes and textures.

This article provides specific information on the yellow potato. Visit Potato (Potato) – Properties, Benefits, Origin, Types, Characteristics to learn more about this tuber in general.

What is the yellow potato? What are its main characteristics?

The term potato or yellow potato is the generic name that we use to refer to the large group of potatoes whose flesh is yellow in color. This tonality can vary depending on the type; there are potatoes that are light yellow, deep yellow, or a medium golden color, similar to butter. But, the color of the meat is not the only difference to consider.1 2 . In general, each sub-type of yellow potato can have specific characteristics in terms of:

  • Size and shape : They can be small, medium or large. Likewise, there are round yellow potatoes and oblong yellow potatoes.
  • Skin appearance : Some types exhibit smooth yellow skin, while others have rough, dimpled, dark, or tanned skin.
  • Meat texture : The meat of this variety is usually waxy, velvety, moist.
  • Flavor : Depending on the type, the yellow potato can offer a subtly sweet, medium sweet or “buttery” flavor.

Varieties such as Amarilla Tumbay, Huagalina, Peruanita, Criolla and Yungay 3 are among the most popular in the Andean region, especially in Peru, where the origin of this very special tuber is located. The yellow potato is usually the one chosen when preparing well-known typical recipes, such as the “Cause Lima” and “Papa a la Huancaína”.

Note: The scientific name of the yellow potato may be different depending on the variety. Two common examples are Solanum goniocalyx and Solanum phureja.

Bintje, Charlotte, Yellow Finn, Idaho, Russet and Yukon Gold are among the most consumed varieties in North America, while in Europe the varieties Monalisa, Desirée, Baraka, Bintje, Kennebec and Jaerla stand out.

See further on: Papa Yungay – Origin, Characteristics and Nutritional Value

What is the nutrition information of the yellow potato? How is it different from the pink potato?

The yellow potato has nutritional properties and health benefits very similar to the rest of the potatoes. It is a high-carbohydrate tuber, hence it is considered an excellent source of energy . It also provides fiber, essential minerals (iron, calcium) and vitamins (B6, C)4 . However, it is said that compared to the pink potato, the yellow one shows slight differences. For example:

  • Number of calories . Although the values ​​are very similar, the yellow potato is a bit more caloric than the pink one ( higher carbohydrate contribution per serving ).
  • Proteins . Apparently the amount of protein in the red potato is slightly higher than that of the yellow potato.
  • Antioxidant power . Both types contain antioxidants, but although they both provide a lot of vitamin C, the pink potato is richer in anthocyanins and carotenoids than the yellow potato.
  • Iron and calcium content . Yellow potatoes are usually a better source of iron and calcium.

These comparative data may change depending on each variety, its growing area and whether they are new, semi-late / seasonal or late potatoes.

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In what recipes is the yellow potato used?

The yellow varieties can be used interchangeably in any preparation, however, their rich and buttery flavor makes these tubers the best choice for certain recipes. Opt for the yellow potato when making :

  • Purees
  • Roasts
  • French fries (thick)
  • Stews

Needless to say, they can be enjoyed steamed or boiled. In that case, it is advisable to be careful with the doneness, since otherwise they can open and break. Cook them for 18 minutes is usually the perfect time. Once cooked, the texture of yellow potatoes can be soft to grainy.

How should its selection and storage be?

When buying and storing yellow potatoes, it is worth keeping in mind the same recommendations that we follow when choosing other varieties. Make sure to select firm and thick tubers , always avoiding those that have wilted skin, eye buds, soft spots, spots or green spots.

The potatoes should be stored in a cool dry place , preferably in a cloth bag, mesh or in a wooden box with grids. It usually keeps well for up to two weeks when kept at room temperature, and even a little longer in cool weather. It is not advisable to store potatoes in the refrigerator because very cold temperatures favor the conversion of starches to sugar, causing the meat to turn sweet and turn a dark color when cooked.

  • Some varieties of yellow potatoes have a shelf life of only 1 week . Avoid buying very large bags if you do not plan to consume it in that time.
  • Don’t store potatoes along with onions ; Note that the gas emitted by the onions accelerates the decomposition of the potatoes.
  • Check them every now and then to make sure there are no rotten potatoes ; These will make the others end up in bad shape.

How to differentiate the yellow potato from the white potato?

Differentiating the two types just by their appearance can be tricky. There is no single combination of size, shape, and color that characterizes the two groups. The main difference between yellow and white potatoes lies in their internal texture , especially after cooking.

White potatoes generally hold their shape after cooking. This makes them ideal for boiling and preparing fresh salads. Its texture is firmer and the skin is thinner. On the other hand, the yellow ones have a waxy, buttery or grainy texture , a thick skin, and their flavor is usually sweeter than that of other potatoes. If you like roasts and purees, this is the potato you should have at home.

Why does the yellow potato turn brown? What to do to avoid it?

Actually, this color change is not unique to yellow varieties. It can also be seen in white meat potatoes. The explanation for this phenomenon is due to the presence of an enzyme, whose exposure to oxygen produces a reaction and creates the brown discoloration on the surface . Potato skin offers natural protection that keeps oxygen away from the enzyme, but once it has been removed, the oxidation process begins.

Some useful tips to avoid the browning of yellow potatoes , or any other variety, are:

  • Peel and slice the potatoes just before cooking.
  • Immerse them completely in a container of water and store them in the refrigerator.
  • Keep peeled potatoes in glass utensils; using metal containers is a bad idea.


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My name is Louise Hammond, and I am the creator of this website, a place to find information about tubers, bulbs and medicinal roots. In I show the properties, benefits, characteristics, photos and images, ways of growing and how to make delicious meals from starchy vegetables.