Included in the select group of superfoods, turmeric has become one of the fashionable roots in the western world. The most powerful compound in this Asian tuber is curcumin, hence most of the health benefits have been attributed to it. However, curcumin has low bioavailability in our body; this means that the body cannot absorb it easily. Researchers have reported that one of the most effective forms of consumption is turmeric tea, made from the grated turmeric root or turmeric powder. This hot drink appears to help maximize the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune effects of the spice.1
If you are a lover of healthy infusions and have not yet tried turmeric tea, we invite you to continue reading to find out what its main benefits are , how it is prepared , with what other ingredients it is usually combined and what are the possible contraindications to have consider.
What is turmeric tea good for? Benefits and properties
Turmeric tea is one of the healthiest infusions we can take. Not for pleasure many know it as “liquid gold”, a name that refers to its vibrant golden color, but also to its value as a medicinal infusion.
Fun fact: Apparently the Japanese city of Okinawa has the largest population of centenarians in the world. The researchers attribute this fact to their lifestyle based on the consumption of healthy foods and the use of a holistic approach to the treatment of diseases. Interestingly, turmeric tea is one of the drinks that these inhabitants drink daily, and it can be found already prepared in most local stores.
It has been shown that the compounds (curcumin) in the turmeric root have very favorable properties for the proper functioning of our body. Some of its main benefits include:2
- Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer action
- Improvement of digestive and liver processes
- Regulation of blood glucose levels
- Strengthening the bones and joints
- Strengthening the immune system, among others.
Currently its consumption is widely recommended, either through food, supplements, or as we have mentioned, in the form of tea.
See below: Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Turmeric (Scientific Findings)
Turmeric tea for weight loss
Several studies have indicated that drinking turmeric tea can promote weight loss. 3 . Drinking this infusion on a regular basis has been proven to prevent theaccumulation of fatand the development ofmetabolic syndrome, raises body temperature andaccelerates metabolismthanks to its thermogenic properties, increases bile production, facilitatesfood digestionand promotes the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system in general.
All of this contributes to:
- better absorption and use of nutrients
- more efficient fat burning
- a favorable state of health compatible with long-term weight loss
How should I drink turmeric tea to lose weight?
For starters, never drink this tea on an empty stomach. It is best to take it with breakfast or after a meal. Likewise, it is not recommended to consume more than 2 cups a day ; one cup in the morning and one in the evening are enough to promote weight loss.
You can use it for 2-3 weeks continuously, rest for several weeks, and then introduce it back into your daily routine.
Keep in mind that to lose weight with turmeric you do not have to limit yourself to taking only the infusion, you can also include it as a spice in your diet or use it as a supplement (capsules). Always make sure you don’t exceed the recommended daily dose. See this information later in the article .
For more recipes, effective combinations, and precautions, visit Turmeric for Weight Loss .
Turmeric tea for arthritis
Arthritis is a common condition characterized by the presence of inflamed and painful joints , fatigue, loss of flexibility, stiffness, and the inability to use certain limbs4 . Some forms of the disease are gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and infectious arthritis.
Due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential, turmeric tea has been proven to be a good remedy for controlling and alleviating arthritis symptoms .5 Curcumin inhibits the action of pro-inflammatory enzymes and prevents inflammation from spreading, protecting the joints and synovial fluid. It also helps protect the bones, especially in cases of osteoarthritis where breakdown of bone tissue is a common problem.
No matter what type of arthritis you have, drinking turmeric tea regularly will help stop its progress eventually.
Turmeric tea and diabetes
Researchers have observed that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of curcuminoids, especially curcumin, may play an important role in the prevention and treatment of diabetes . In fact, its use in diabetic patients is increasingly widespread as an alternative to conventional medications.6, 7
Turmeric tea is one of the best ways to reap such benefits. Its regular consumption helps fight obesity, regulates blood glucose levels , reduces insulin resistance , promotes its production in the pancreas and combats the risk of developing common complications of type 2 diabetes .
If you have diabetes, a good recommendation is to take this infusion at least once a day. Whenever possible, opt to use fresh turmeric root, rather than turmeric powder. Consult your doctor to determine what might be the safest dose for you, especially if you are already undergoing treatment.
Turmeric tea in pregnancy
Due to its many health benefits, many women wonder if they can drink turmeric tea during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the answer is no . It is not safe to take turmeric as a supplement or to use it as a type of alternative medicine at this stage.
To date, scientific research has reported that the consumption of turmeric-based infusions or supplements in pregnant women can be counterproductive. The compounds in this tuberous root can stimulate the uterus and increase the risk of miscarriage , especially before reaching 37 weeks of gestation.8
Even so, some institutions, such as the University of Maryland Medical Center 9 in the United States, have indicated that turmeric issafe in pregnancy only if it is consumed as a condimentand in small doses. It is even said that adding a pinch of turmeric to food or a glass of milk can have significant benefits, for example:
- Relieve joint pain and inflammation
- Prevent constipation and protect healthy intestinal flora
- Improve immunity
- Maintain healthy blood sugar and lipid levels
Likewise, its consumption as a condiment and in small doses can have benefits during breastfeeding , including:
- Strengthening the immune system (antibacterial and antiviral properties)
- Reduced risk of mastitis
- Antidepressant action (improves brain function, memory and dopamine levels)
- Greater recovery of the body after childbirth
- Increased production of breast milk
Pregnant women who are prone to bleeding or who have a known allergy to turmeric should not drink turmeric tea or eat it as a spice in their diet; they should avoid its use entirely.
How to make turmeric tea?
Turmeric tea can be prepared from the fresh or powdered tuber. Although both alternatives are beneficial, the most recommended is to use the whole root , since it offers a higher concentration of oils and natural compounds. There are countless ways to make turmeric tea, but here we bring you a basic, quick and effective recipe.
- Bring a cup of water to the fire and let it come to a boil, or heat it in the microwave for about 2 minutes.
- Meanwhile, peel a piece of root and grate until you get 1 teaspoon of finely grated turmeric. If using dried turmeric powder, reduce the amount to ½ teaspoon.
- Once the water is ready, add the turmeric, stir and let it sit for 5-7 minutes to release all the active compounds.
- After that time, strain the tea and drink it while it is still warm.
People commonly add other ingredients to their turmeric tea, either to enhance the taste or to aid in the absorption of curcumin . Among the most common additives are:
- Honey (to sweeten and provide antimicrobial properties)
- Whole milk, heavy cream, almond milk, coconut milk or oil, ghee (having fats, they improve the absorption of curcumin)
- Black pepper (its spicy flavor is very stimulating and its piperine content increases the absorption of curcumin )
- Lemon (increases the antioxidant and immune properties of turmeric tea)
How much can I take a day?
So far there is not enough scientific evidence to establish a recommended daily dose of turmeric. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that consuming 1.4 mg of turmeric for every pound of body weight is an acceptable daily dose . This amount can vary depending on each person, the general state of health and the objective that you want to achieve with its consumption.10
As a general recommendation, make sure not to exceed the total dose of 1.5 or 2 grams during the preparation of your infusions (400 to 600 mg per use), distributing it throughout the day, preferably in the morning and at night.
Note : Consuming high doses of turmeric or curcumin can be detrimental to the health of some people in the long term.
See details in: How to Take Turmeric? Forms of Consumption (Root, Tea, Supplements)
Popular combinations
Turmeric and ginger tea
This powerful infusion combines the benefits of turmeric and ginger, two roots that are similar in appearance and medicinal properties. Both roots have been observed to help:11, 12
- Prevent cancer . By having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, its compounds fight the conditions that promote the formation of cancer cells in the body. In addition, they can slow down the progression of existing tumors.
- Control diabetes . Turmeric and ginger tea is great for regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity. Its regular consumption prevents the spikes and falls of blood glucose, something really dangerous for diabetic patients and for those at high risk of developing diabetes.
- Alleviate skin conditions . Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial powers improve the skin in cases of severe acne, eczema and psoriasis. They also stimulate the formation of new cells and prevent the signs of aging.
- Improve the digestion of food . This infusion calms the stomach, reduces nausea, stimulates peristaltic movement, and eliminates colic and abdominal bloating. It can be a good remedy for treating irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux disease, and stomach ulcers.
- Protect brain health . The active compounds in ginger and turmeric have been observed to stimulate the proper functioning of the human brain. The antioxidants in both tubers help fight certain neurological diseases.
- Slimming . With their stimulating, thermogenic and fat-burning effects, they not only promote weight loss naturally, but also help you fight cravings and control your appetite for longer.
Whether you like ginger tea or turmeric tea separately, feel free to combine them. Enjoy an infusion with a powerful flavor and double the health benefits. Add 1 teaspoon of fresh grated turmeric and 2-3 thin slices of peeled ginger to 1 cup of boiling water, let it steep for 5 minutes and drink immediately.
Turmeric, ginger and cinnamon tea
Turmeric, ginger and cinnamon tea is perfect for those days when we feel haunted by a cold or flu. Thanks to its strong antimicrobial and antioxidant properties , this drink helps strengthen the immune system, fights common symptoms (headache, fever, upset stomach), and speeds recovery.
Add 2 cups of water to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once the water has reached the boiling point, turn off the heat and add 1 stick of cinnamon stick, 4 thin slices of peeled fresh ginger (or ½ teaspoon ground ginger), 1 teaspoon fresh grated turmeric (or ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder), the juice of half a lemon and a few drops of honey to taste. Stir well and steep for 10 minutes before drinking for a miracle turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and lemon tea.
Turmeric and lemon balm tea
Adding a few lemon balm leaves to turmeric tea is ideal for improving the quality of sleep at night, relieving headaches , eliminating excess gas after a heavy meal, improving memory , relieving menstrual and intestinal cramps , and calming down the cough in case of colds.
Turmeric and pepper tea
Pepper is the quintessential spice to improve the absorption of curcumin, hence it is usually added to any turmeric infusion. If you want to make only a turmeric and pepper tea, simply add ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper and 1 teaspoon of grated turmeric in a glass of hot water, letting it steep for several minutes before drinking.
However the combination of pepper and turmeric is often mixed with other ingredients to make it more flavorful, for example coconut oil, honey or ginger. Likewise, we can add turmeric and pepper powder to a cup of green tea or black tea.
Both spices can also be consumed together as part of the diet or in the form of supplements (capsules of turmeric and black pepper).
Golden milk or golden milk
Golden milk, also known as turmeric milk, is an Indian drink that has gained great popularity in Western culture for its benefits to boost immunity and prevent disease. This bright yellow drink is traditionally made by heating cow’s milk, or a plant-based milk, with turmeric and other spices, such as cinnamon, pepper, and ginger.
Take a look at this easy recipe to make golden milk with ginger and cinnamon at home …
- ½ cup (120 ml) unsweetened milk of your choice
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- ½ teaspoon ground ginger
- ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 pinch of ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (optional)
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil (optional)
Making this Ayurvedic recipe is really simple. Simply mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan, bring to the heat (medium) and bring to a boil, stirring every so often. Reduce the heat to low and cook slowly for 10 minutes, or until the golden milk is fragrant. Strain the drink through a fine strainer, sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon, and drink immediately.
How do you drink golden milk?
The general recommendation is to take it once a day, preferably before going to bed, but it can also be ideal after dinner.
Note : Golden milk can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days; you just have to reheat it before drinking.
Turmeric tea: contraindications and side effects
Although turmeric tea is an almost magical drink for its incredible benefits, there are some contraindications and possible adverse effects to be aware of. It is not recommended to drink this tea if:13, 14
- You have an empty stomach , as it can cause or worsen acid reflux symptoms.
- You have stomach ulcers.
- You are taking medication . Curcumin can interfere with the metabolism of drugs. There should be a minimum difference of 3-4 hours between the consumption of turmeric tea and any medicine.15
- You have bleeding disorders .
- You plan to have surgery in the near future. It is advisable to stop consuming turmeric about 2 weeks before; By having anticoagulant action, turmeric can interfere with the blood clotting process after the procedure.
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding . It is not considered safe at these stages.
Its consumption should be limited in case of:
- Gout
- Kidney stones Consuming turmeric on a regular basis can increase the risk of developing kidney stones (in sensitive people).
- Gallstones Turmeric is a bile flow stimulant, hence it can cause bile duct obstruction in people with stones, causing pain and other problems.
More details in: What Contraindications and Side Effects does Turmeric have?
Quick answers to frequently asked questions
Does turmeric tea stain teeth?
Yes and no. Turmeric tea can slightly stain teeth, but temporarily. Once you brush them, your teeth will go back to normal, or even whiter than before. In case you didn’t know, pure turmeric powder mixed with coconut oil is an excellent home remedy for whitening tooth enamel.
Can you drink turmeric tea at night?
Absolutely. Brewing turmeric tea, or adding turmeric to chamomile tea, is great for calming the mind and stomach before bed.
- https://nccih.nih.gov/health/turmeric/ataglance.htm#hed1
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17569205
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26592847
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/arthritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20350772
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21194249) (https://www.fasebj.org/doi/abs/10.1096/fasebj.31.1_supplement.lb396
- https://www.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpendo.00285.2017
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3857752/
- http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/herbs-and-pregnancy/
- https://www.umms.org/ummc
- https://www.drugs.com/npp/turmeric.html
- https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/curcumin#section=Top
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25230520
- https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-662/turmeric
- https://reference.medscape.com/drug/curcumin-curcuma-longa-turmeric-344529
- https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/turmeric.html
My name is Louise Hammond, and I am the creator of this website, a place to find information about tubers, bulbs and medicinal roots. In Dreamsship.com I show the properties, benefits, characteristics, photos and images, ways of growing and how to make delicious meals from starchy vegetables.