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Peruvian Maca Flour

January 15, 2021
Benefits and properties of maca flour

The flour or maca powder is the flagship product by which the Andean maca has become known around the world. It is the result of an ancestral processing that has passed from generation to generation among the peasants of the Peruvian Andes.

The traditional way of processing maca is to let the tubers dry in the sun for up to 40 days; then they are crushed until obtaining a homogeneous and fine powder, ready for consumption.

Fun fact: Careful drying of the roots helps to achieve a sweeter, smoother flavor. Overheating maca (over 40 degrees Celsius) not only affects its taste, but also reduces the content of healthy enzymes and nutrients.

In the market we can find two types of maca flour , raw and gelatinized.

How are raw and gelatinized maca flour different?

The main difference between raw maca powder and gelatinized maca powder is that the latter is a more processed version . Simply put, the raw powder is obtained after the roots are dried, cleaned and crushed in a pulverizer, while the gelatinized powder is obtained after the tubers are cooked and pressurized to remove the starch content. In this way, a lighter and easier to digest flour is achieved for most people.

What is its nutritional value?

Without a doubt, maca flour is a nutritional powerhouse ( superfood ).

  • It contains almost all the essential amino acids and free fatty acids.
  • It provides significant levels of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C.
  • It is rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, and calcium.
  • It has a high concentration of bioavailable proteins and various glucosinolates.

Andean maca powder also contains unique acids called macanes and macamides, which appear to play a key role in our body’s hormonal balance, in both men and women.

More details on this topic in: Properties and Nutritional Value of Andean Maca

Benefits and properties of maca flour

If you are still not clear about its benefits, then I will briefly explain what it is for and why it is a good idea to use it …

Taking into account that maca flour is nothing more than the pulp of crushed maca, its regular consumption can help to :

  • Regulate hormone levels in both sexes
  • Improve fertility
  • Raise energy levels and combat chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Boost libido and improve sex drive
  • Increase physical performance during exercise and enhance the increase in muscle mass
  • Fight anxiety and improve mood
  • Relieve symptoms of menopause
  • Fight acne
  • Strengthen hair growth
  • Prevent osteoporosis

In addition, maca has been considered an ” adaptogen “, a group that includes certain plants with the ability to increase vitality, slow down oxidative stress in cells and improve our resistance to disease.

To delve into this topic and learn about the main scientific findings, visit What is Andean Maca for?

How can you take it?

Maca flour can be consumed in two ways:

  • As an ingredient in different recipes
  • In supplement form (maca capsules and pills)

Although both options are effective, one may be more convenient than the other depending on the preferences, routine and goals of each person. For example, if you want to take maca to increase your energy levels, improve physical performance, gain muscle mass or increase your intake of vegetable protein, it is advisable to include it in your meals. However, when the goal is to improve fertility, increase libido, or relieve menopausal symptoms, taking maca powder capsules may be more appropriate. In any case, you should never exceed the daily dose recommended by the manufacturer or your GP.

See: How to Take Andean Maca? Options, Dosage, Precautions

Maca flour recipes: more fun and economical!

If you want to start including this super food in your diet, but you don’t know how to achieve good results, here are 3 recipes that can serve as inspiration in the kitchen. No matter what type of maca you have at hand, no matter if it is red maca , black maca or maca yellow.

Related topics:

Hot choco-maca (good substitute for coffee)

Add to a blender:

  • 1½ cup of milk (can be cow’s milk or vegetable milk)
  • 2 tablespoons of black cocoa powder
  • 2 teaspoons of Peruvian maca flour
  • 4-5 drops of stevia (you can use the sweetener of your choice)
  • Cinnamon powder to taste

Beat well until you get a homogeneous and smooth mixture. Then place the mixture in a small saucepan, bring to the fire and heat until reaching the desired temperature.

Quick version : Heat the milk well in the microwave, add the rest of the ingredients and stir vigorously until they are diluted and integrated.

This hot chocolate-maca is an excellent drink to start the day and improve your mood, especially during the coldest part of winter.

Energetic Maca Banana Pancakes

You will need to:

  • 1 fully ripe banana
  • ½ cup non-dairy milk
  • ¾ cup of flour (can be wheat, oats, almonds, spelled, etc.)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of Andean maca flour
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Add banana, egg, milk, peanut butter, and vanilla to blender; beat on high speed until smooth.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine the flour of your choice, the maca powder, and the baking powder.
  3. Now pour the liquid mixture into the bowl of the dry ingredients and stir well to integrate. The final mixture should have enough body, but it should not be too thick.
  4. Heat a griddle or skillet, add a thin layer of oil or butter, and begin spooning the mixture into individual round pancakes.
  5. Let them cook for 1-2 minutes, or until bubbles start to form in the dough (this preparation probably won’t produce many bubbles) After time, flip the pancakes so they finish cooking on the second side (1 / 2-1 minute).
  6. Place the pancakes one on top of the other in a kind of tower, pour honey on top and serve with a handful of blueberries or several chopped strawberries.

Without a doubt, a perfect recipe for breakfast and a snack before / after training.

Video-Recipe: Homemade Hazelnut Nutella with Maca Flour

It occurs to me that you can also add maca flour in:

  • A protein shake (frozen banana, milk of your choice, protein powder, and maca powder).
  • Energizing green juice (carrot, celery, lemon juice, maca and spinach).
  • Wholemeal balls (oatmeal, almond flour, maca flour, coconut oil, peanut butter, cocoa powder, stevia, and cinnamon).

Is it true that eating maca flour makes you fat?

This is a question that many people have, probably based on the fact that maca is a tuber with a significant percentage of carbohydrates. In a general sense, eating maca flour will only make you fat if you do it excessively, messily and as part of a sedentary lifestyle. For more details, read on:  Does Peruvian maca make you fat or lose weight?

Where can I buy good quality maca flour?

Currently we can find maca products in different places, for example in pharmacies, herbalists, online stores, and even in supermarkets. But if you want to buy Peruvian maca of the best quality, at the best price, I recommend that you first take a look at the following articles:

In them I not only suggest some of the best products available on the market, but I also explain all the basic details that you should know before buying.

Contraindications of Peruvian maca flour

Although so far maca is considered a safe food in most cases, it is known that some people should proceed with caution. This includes those who suffer from high blood pressure, thyroid malfunction (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), and digestive problems, among other health conditions. Find everything you need to know about this topic in Maca Contraindications and Side Effects .

I hope the information provided in the article has been to your liking. As always, I invite you to read other related publications to learn more details about the Andean maca and its excellent properties. Remember that your doubts, suggestions and comments will be well received in our Contact section .

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My name is Louise Hammond, and I am the creator of this website, a place to find information about tubers, bulbs and medicinal roots. In I show the properties, benefits, characteristics, photos and images, ways of growing and how to make delicious meals from starchy vegetables.