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Ginger and cinnamon

January 15, 2021
Ginger and cinnamon

For many, the world of spices is simply fascinating. Thanks to their flavor and intensity, they can take any meal to the next level while providing us with many health benefits. Not for pleasure, nutrition experts recommend consuming spices regularly , much better if we use several at the same time. In this article, we will be talking about a powerful, healthy, and very popular combination of spices: ginger and cinnamon . Both have been used by man since ancient times, making it clear why they are two queens in the kitchen and in traditional medicine.

Read on below to learn a little more about the benefits of taking ginger with cinnamon , as well as some common recipes and combinations .

What is ginger with cinnamon good for?

Both ginger and cinnamon are recognized for their benefits to treat and improve different aspects of our health . The compounds in ginger root are known to have anti-inflammatory, stimulant, digestive, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and immune activation in the body.1 . For its part, cinnamon also has antioxidant, carminative, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antidiabetic, anticoagulant, and antiseptic properties.23.

As expected, both ingredients can be very effective when we want to alleviate common ailments, for example, indigestion, excess gas in the stomach, flu symptoms, or menstrual cramps; But what if instead of using them separately, we combine them and double their power? The union of its essential oils, active substances, antioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenols gives rise to a new resource that serves to improve other functions in our body.

Recommended Reading: 15 Benefits and Healing Properties of Ginger – What’s It Good for?

Let’s discover then 6 healthy, but not so well known, uses of taking ginger with cinnamon:

Ginger and cinnamon to the slim abdomen

If you want to promote the burning of fat in your body in a natural way, especially to slim the abdomen area , then this may be a good remedy for you. The compounds in ginger and cinnamon work synergistically to help you lose weight by triggering the following mechanisms45:

  • Stimulation of blood circulation ; the body is more efficient at removing toxins and fats out of the bloodstream.
  • Stimulation of the peristalsis process ; the colon is capable of eliminating excess waste that may be affecting its function.
  • Cleaning the digestive system and eliminating of pathogenic microorganisms, the presence of fungi and parasites can create a toxic environment in the gut and sabotage weight loss.
  • Elimination of the yeast Candida albicans ; This organism is known to contribute to the development of metabolic disorders and weight gain.
  • Increased release of bile from the gallbladder; promotes digestion, nutrient absorption and helps reduce cholesterol.
  • Decrease in blood sugar ; This is especially beneficial for people with metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance and type II diabetes.
  • Decreased appetite ; both ginger and cinnamon contain unique, essential oils that quench cravings and help suppress your appetite.

The simplest, and therefore most popular, way to take ginger with cinnamon to lose weight is to prepare a tea. You will only need a piece of cinnamon bark and 2-3 thin slices of fresh ginger. Note : These ingredients can be substituted for the dry powder of both spices, but it is recommended to use the less processed variants for the best benefits.

Basic recipe: ginger and cinnamon tea for weight loss

  1. Put 1-2 cups of water in a container and bring it to the fire to bring the water to a boil. You can also heat the water for 2 minutes in a microwave.
  2. While the water is boiling, cut 2-3 thin slices of fresh ginger root; be sure to remove the skin. If you wish, you can grate the tuber (get approximately 2 teaspoons) instead of using the slices, but keep in mind that these are more practical and easy to remove. Also, have a stick of cinnamon stick on hand.
  3. When the water has boiled, or heated sufficiently, add the ginger and cinnamon; let it steep for 5 minutes to infuse and release its essential oils. After that time, drink the fat-burning tea while it’s still warm.

The recommendation is to take it twice a day : first on an empty stomach before breakfast and then at night before going to bed. It is important to note that cinnamon and ginger tea is not going to make you lose weight as if by magic; It is also necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, choose healthy foods, slightly decrease the amount of calories you eat during the day, do physical exercise several times a week and monitor any health conditions. Following these tips will help you lose weight and slim your abdomen much faster than you imagine .

See below: What is Ginger Good for Fasting (Tea, Water, Shots)? [Resolved]

In addition to the infusion, both spices can help to reduce when they are included regularly in the diet. Here are some ways to use cinnamon and ginger together in your diet :

  • Add ginger and cinnamon powders to other herbal teas, juices, and smoothies (they pair well with banana, vanilla, cocoa).
  • Add them as a condiment in soups or dishes containing sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots. Both cinnamon and ginger complement well with the sweet flavors of these vegetables.
  • Combine them with garlic , onion , curry and soy sauce to add an exotic flavor to meat dishes (beef, lamb).
  • Prepare a dressing to lose weight, combining ginger and cinnamon tea, grated lemon, lemon juice, rice vinegar and sesame seed oil.

Tips and tricks

  • If you want to increase the properties of ginger and cinnamon tea to burn belly fat, add half a small red jalapeno pepper to the infusion (this can be difficult for people who do not tolerate spicy).
  • Remember that your goal is to lose weight. In case you want to sweeten the drink slightly, do not add sugar, honey or agave syrup (they have a high glycemic index). It is best to add stevia, monk fruit extract, or any other non-caloric sweetener .

It may interest you: Ginger for Weight Loss

Cinnamon and ginger for hair

Although it may not seem like it, the stress of daily life, pollution and poor diet are negatively influencing the health of our hair. Every day more people experience hair loss and thinning , two issues that cannot be easily addressed with the help of a cosmetic shampoo or mask. That is why in most cases we resort to the most common natural treatments, such as aloe vera, onion and rosemary. However, many do not know that the combination of cinnamon and ginger serves as an excellent remedy for hair, helping to slow down hair loss, promote its growth and keep it free of dandruff.

Cinnamon, rich in essential oils like eugenol, is said to 6 , cinnamaldehyde7 and ethyl cinnamate8 , It can strengthen hair follicles, stimulate hair growth, combat hair loss, remove dandruff from the scalp and relieve itching. For its part, ginger, rich in gingerols9, shogaoles 10 , minerals and antioxidants, can nourish, moisturize and also stimulate hair growth.

Here we propose 2 alternatives to obtain all these benefits, simply, economically and safely at home.

Warning : Before applying any cinnamon ginger remedy or preparation to the scalp, be sure to test it first on a small area of ​​skin to check for side effects; It is known that the skin of some people can be sensitive to the pungent compounds of both spices.

Ginger and cinnamon hair mask for stronger, fuller and more hydrated hair


  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil (other alternatives are sweet almond oil and jojoba oil)


  1. Pour the olive oil into a small saucepan and heat it slightly for a few seconds, either in the microwave or in a clean skillet over low heat.
  2. Now pour the warm oil into a small bowl, add the cinnamon, ginger, and honey and stir very well with a spoon until you get a homogeneous mixture . In case the resulting amount doesn’t seem like enough to cover the entire volume of your hair, just add a little more oil and honey.
  3. Now it only remains to apply the mask on the scalp , preferably with an applicator or a brush. Part your hair with the help of a comb and apply a generous amount of strengthening paste to each section. Always start applying from the back of the scalp towards the front.
  4. Once you are done, massage lightly with your fingertips to promote better penetration of the active substances into the hair follicles and the hair structure. Gather the hair well and cover it with a shower cap.
  5. Let the mask work on the scalp for at least 15 minutes. After that time, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner as usual.

The recommendation is to apply this remedy once a week to promote hair growth, stop hair loss, strengthen it and increase its volume.

Stimulating shampoo with cinnamon and ginger to combat hair loss

This is a good option to obtain the benefits of both spices, without the need to prepare and apply additional products. The only thing you have to do is add ginger and cinnamon in the shampoo that you use regularly, this way the scalp will be stimulated every time you wash your hair.

It is very simple! Once you remove the lid from the container, you have two alternatives:

  1. Add 2 sticks of cinnamon sticks and 6 thin slices of peeled ginger to the shampoo, shaking vigorously to integrate them into the product.
  2. Put ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon and ½ teaspoon of ground ginger in the shampoo, also shaking after closing.

After several weeks of using this combination, your hair will begin to show the signs of change : more shine and hydration, more growth and volume, less split ends and less oil.

Helpful tips

  • Make sure to let the cinnamon ginger shampoo sit for 2-3 days before using it, so the product has time to soak up the essential oils.
  • If possible, prepare this remedy using a familiar shampoo ; always choose a product whose action is not aggressive for your scalp.
  • Have a second shampoo on hand so you can alternate during the week; You may prefer to wash your hair once and again with the medicated shampoo.

Currently it is possible to find some ginger and cinnamon shampoos on the market . Various manufacturers in the fashion industry have been attracted to the efficacy of both spices in treating common hair problems, hence they decided to make them available to us.

It may interest you: Ginger for Hair (Benefits, Ways of Use and Effective Recipes

Ginger and cinnamon as an aphrodisiac

You probably already know that ginger and cinnamon are in the group of aphrodisiac spices . Its use as a sexual stimulant dates back to ancient times, especially in men. But do you know what this property is due to?

First of all, the compounds in ginger root tend to increase circulation and sensitivity in our body. The greater the blood flow, the better the erections and sexual experiences can be. On the other hand, its intense and spicy flavor triggers a hot effect, raising the body temperature and the heartbeat . This translates into increased vitality, libido, and better performance during sexual intercourse.

Some studies have also observed that the consumption of ginger contributes to an increase in sexual appetite due to its effect on testosterone levels, in addition to improving sperm quality and fertility 11.

For its part, cinnamon has aphrodisiac properties very similar to those of ginger. Helps warm the body, awakens the senses , calms the nerves and stimulates sexual arousal12 . Its sweet aroma can be really exciting and its compounds increase blood circulation; This explains why cinnamon is often a common ingredient in massage oils.

If you’ve been dealing with low libido issues, it’s time to try this ginger and cinnamon combination to boost your sex life.

How to use ginger with cinnamon as an aphrodisiac?

  • Drink ginger and cinnamon tea 2-3 times a day; bring a cup of water to a boil, add several thin slices of peeled fresh ginger, a stick of cinnamon stick and let it steep for 5 minutes before drinking.
  • Add ginger and cinnamon to other infusions of your choice (chamomile, green tea, red tea).
  • Sprinkle ginger and cinnamon powder in green juices.
  • Include both spices in the diet ; for example ginger in soups, meats, fish, salads, dressings, and cinnamon in cereals with milk, homemade preparations with oats, smoothies, desserts, fruit salads, etc.
  • Perform body massages with cinnamon and ginger oil ; If you cannot find a commercial product that contains these ingredients, simply prepare your own aphrodisiac oil at home. In a medium glass jar, add 2-3 cinnamon sticks, 5 thin slices of peeled fresh ginger and a little sweet almond oil to cover both spices. Cover the jar and let it sit overnight in a dark, dry place, making sure to shake it every so often. The recommendation is to let it rest for at least 1 day, but keep in mind that the oil will be more powerful if you wait several days before using it.

Ginger and cinnamon for cellulite

Cellulite is said to be a cosmetic problem that affects approximately 90% of the female population. Although it can be caused by different factors, one of the most common causes is poor blood and lymph circulation , which results in the formation of fatty nodules and makes the skin appear loose and dimpled.13.

Taking into account that ginger and cinnamon have properties that help reduce inflammation, detoxify, improve circulation, and promote fat burning, both are considered good remedies to fight cellulite naturally.

Ginger helps: 14

  • Accelerate metabolism, fat breakdown, and reabsorption of inflamed fat nodules
  • Improve blood circulation and lymphatic flow in subcutaneous fat
  • Slow down the aging process in the body
  • Eliminate toxins and excess fluid
  • Increase the elasticity of the skin, providing a lifting effect
  • Reduce inflammation in the body

For its part, cinnamon helps: 15

  • Warming the body and increasing blood circulation
  • Expel accumulated toxins
  • Fight inflammation

But why use these spices separately when their use together can be much more effective in curbing cellulite?

Ways to use ginger with cinnamon to increase the anti-cellulite effect

Vigorous massages with cinnamon and ginger oil

This type of massage is usually applied to warm the tissues, break down the fat cells and allow the natural compounds of ginger and cinnamon to penetrate the skin.

The first step is to prepare a homemade mask ; to do this you must place 2 tablespoons of grated fresh ginger in a container, add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, cover with oil (olive, coconut, or better yet, cinnamon oil) and mix very well so that all the active compounds. The texture of this anti-cellulite mask should not be liquid, but pasty or creamy.

Note : if you want to massage your whole body, then you should increase the indicated amounts.

Once it is ready, proceed to its application. Take a small amount of the mask with your fingers and apply it on the bare skin area; begins to rub vigorously with the fingers , making active and upward movements in the most problematic areas. You should keep scrubbing, pinching and kneading the cellulite bumps for at least 5 minutes at each point. It is normal to feel burning, tingling, and redness on the skin. Repeat the same procedure on all parts of your body that show signs of stagnant fat.

When you have finished massaging, wait around 10 minutes for the ginger and cinnamon to continue to penetrate the skin, and then proceed to remove the mask with warm water. It is recommended to do this remedy 2 times a week, preferably before bathing.

It may interest you: Ginger Reducing Cream – Uses, Preparation and Contraindications

Anti-cellulite tea with fresh ginger and cinnamon stick

Another way to combat cellulite progression is to drink cinnamon ginger tea several times a day. The preparation is very simple.

  • Place 1 liter of water in a container, bring to the fire and let it reach the boiling point.
  • Once it has boiled, turn off the heat, add 50 grams of fresh ginger (peeled and cut into very thin slices) and 2 cinnamon sticks.
  • Cover the container and let it steep for 10 minutes to release the natural oils and the infusion to cool slightly.
  • Drink the first glass on an empty stomach, repeating several times throughout the day.


Last but not least, don’t forget to include these spices in your regular diet . Adding ginger and cinnamon to food ( meats, soups, salads, cereals, juices, desserts ) is a great way to increase temperature, metabolism, fat burning, and detox.

Keep in mind that to fight cellulite you must maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid highly processed foods rich in sodium and saturated fat; opt for foods rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, good fats, lean proteins, and above all: drink enough water throughout the day !

Ginger and cinnamon for diabetes

Several studies point out that both ginger and cinnamon can have a positive impact on people with diabetes. Ginger supplementation has been shown to lower fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels, regulate cholesterol levels, and lower the risk of developing chronic complications of diabetes16 . Likewise, researchers have observed that the consumption of cinnamon in diabetic patients helps to better metabolize sugar, combat insulin resistance, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and reduce oxidative stress in the body.1718.

Taking these findings into account, a good recommendation would be to include both spices in your regular diet , as long as you have the approval of the doctor.

  • Drink ginger and cinnamon tea every day to regulate fasting glucose and insulin levels. ( When making ginger cinnamon tea for diabetes be sure not to add honey, sugar, or other high glycemic sweetener; instead opt for stevia or just drink unsweetened)
  • Spice up your salads and antioxidant green juices with a pinch of ground ginger.
  • Add grated ginger to vegetable soups and fish dressings .
  • Sprinkle cinnamon powder over cooked breakfast oatmeal .

Ginger and cinnamon in pregnancy

The use of ginger and cinnamon in pregnancy is still a matter of debate . Several researchers suggest that the consumption of these spices has broad benefits for pregnant women, for example:19,20

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Prevention of gestational diabetes
  • Control of blood pressure
  • Reducing inflammation in the body
  • Relief from nausea and vomiting during the first trimester
  • Good digestion of food
  • Increased blood circulation

However, others claim that taking cinnamon and ginger when pregnant can be risky for the developing fetus, and therefore it is best to avoid it. Among the main warnings are the risk of premature contractions, bleeding and miscarriage21.

Those in the middle of both extremes claim that these spices do not pose any danger to pregnancy, as long as the proper dose is ingested. So far there is no scientific evidence to establish the exact amount of cinnamon and ginger that pregnant women should consume, but it is generally believed that less than ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and ½ teaspoon of grated ginger are safe daily doses . In the case of ginger, it is always recommended to avoid dried ginger; it is more appropriate to use the tuberous root in its fresh state.

Without a doubt, one of the most common consumption options is tea, whether it is ginger, cinnamon or a combination of both. But here it is necessary to pause the conversation, as this drink is widely recognized for its abortifacient properties .

See: Ginger in Pregnancy – Benefits, Contraindications, Dosage

There is some evidence that when consumed in concentrated and significant amounts, cinnamon ginger tea can cause a miscarriage, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy. In large doses, compounds in ginger can stimulate abnormal uterine contractions22 , while the essential oils of cinnamon can trigger ahemorrhage, thus causing the detachment of the embryo / fetus.

Note : no pregnant woman should take medicines, supplements, or herbal drinks without her doctor’s approval, especially during the first trimester and if she has any obstetric or health complications.

It should be noted that this risk is not only associated with the infusion, but with any other form of consumption. Considering that ginger is a very popular remedy for alleviating morning sickness in pregnancy, it is important to keep track of the total daily dose that is being used (in meals, candy, cookies).

Ginger and cinnamon infusion: popular combinations

These spices not only get along well with each other, they can also be combined with other ingredients for new flavors and benefits. Here we leave you a summary with some of the most popular infusions and we explain what they are for in traditional medicine.

  • Ginger, cinnamon and honey . Ideal for relieving pain, fighting flu symptoms, coughs and sore throats, improving digestion and promoting better rest. It may interest you: Ginger for Cough
  • Turmeric , ginger and cinnamon tea . It has great anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibiotic and anti-cancer power.
  • Ginger, lemon and cinnamon tea . It is recommended to raise energy levels, promote weight loss, strengthen the immune system and regulate blood glucose levels.
  • Pineapple, ginger and cinnamon tea . Helps improve digestion, eliminate toxins, and fight cravings.
  • Ginger, cinnamon and green tea . The result is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-diabetic infusion.
  • Ginger, cinnamon and orange tea . It is a tasty, calming drink, great for winter and cold season.
  • Infusion of ginger, cinnamon and rosemary . Helps fight fever and respiratory infections, promotes proper liver function and calms stomach discomfort.
  • Ginger, cinnamon and red tea . Helps to lose weight, control appetite, purify the body and boost good mood.

I also recommend:

And how could it be otherwise, a good recommendation to accompany any of these infusions is to prepare some delicious ginger and cinnamon cookies .


  • 2 teaspoons grated natural ginger
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 300-400 grams of flour
  • 100 grams of sugar (you can use another sweetener of your choice)
  • 150-200 grams of salted butter
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of honey


  1. Sift the flour and cinnamon together with the help of a sieve or a strainer to avoid lumps in the dough. Put them aside for the moment.
  2. Beat the sugar together with the butter (cream point) using a whisk. Get a mix of pale color and slightly fluffy look.
  3. Add the egg to the previous mixture and continue beating until you get a homogeneous texture. Then add the honey, fresh ginger and beat some more.
  4. Now is the time to add the dry ingredient mix. Reduce the speed of the mixer to a minimum, add a small part of the mixture until they are completely integrated. Repeat the same procedure several times to complete all that remains.
  5. Once you have the dough ready, put it in the fridge for 15-20 minutes to let it rest and harden slightly. Meanwhile prepare the cookie sheet; Place a piece of greaseproof paper, or aluminum, so that it covers the entire surface of the tray. It is also important to put the oven to preheat (180 ºC).
  6. Take out the mixture and begin to form the cookies in an artisan way with your hands. Go placing them on the paper, leaving 2 cm of separation between them. Then take the tray to the preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until you notice that the cookies have started to brown.
  7. Remove the tray from the heat and let it cool for a more toasted texture.

Ready! This is an original recipe to make quick and easy cinnamon gingerbread cookies.

Read more at:

Side effects and contraindications

Although cinnamon and ginger are considered safe for most people , consuming too much can lead to several side effects, including:

  • Irritation of the mouth and lips
  • Cramps, burning, and heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergic skin reaction

In general, it is recommended to use them moderately if:

  • You have liver problems
  • Take medications for diabetes or blood pressure
  • You have clotting disorders or you take any anti-clotting treatment
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

These people should make sure they never exceed the RDA for ginger (1 to 4 grams) and cinnamon (1 to 1.5 grams).

Finally, its consumption is contraindicated in people with known allergies to cinnamon, ginger and Peruvian balsam, as well as in patients close to surgery. 23,24.

Read more in: Ginger Contraindications – Side Effects and Correct Dosage


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My name is Louise Hammond, and I am the creator of this website, a place to find information about tubers, bulbs and medicinal roots. In I show the properties, benefits, characteristics, photos and images, ways of growing and how to make delicious meals from starchy vegetables.